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Every morning its your chance to text in (60300) and choose our Morning Glory tune - the one song that really gets you (and the rest of Amber Valley up in the morning! Text from 7- 7.30 and we'll play it around 7.30!

Also join in with our Underwater Karaoke competition from 8am - identify the mystery song that we've gargled along to!rnOften with a big prize or a goodie bag to give away :)

Loads of news stories, talking points, the latest sports & business news & all the showbiz goss to cram in.

Nik's Status: poorly sick. back soon folks!

Kate's Status: thought i'd got over this bloomin' cold! it's all your fault nik!!

First published : 22/02/2011

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Graham (24/02/2021)

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